Reconnect to your values, strengthen your identity, develop skills & find purpose in life.

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Hi I’m Lucinda,

coach, mentor and believer in living life with purpose, insight and fulfilment.

Do you ever feel stuck or paralyzed when you have to make a choice?

(and I’m not talking about what you’ll have for dinner tonight). Those life decisions about “what will I do next?”, “where is my life going?” 

The truth is we all have these thoughts because it’s natural to wonder “what’s coming next?” and try to prepare for it. 

With too many options or not enough opportunities in front of us we get overwhelmed, discouraged, end up losing perspective and settling.

There’s good news though! It doesn’t have to be this way...

How good would it be to have someone to talk over your ideas, thoughts and passions with, to feel supported in your decision making and to be excited by the “what comes next?” 

Sometimes we have to slow our pace to find our purpose.

This is where I come in... I understand how heavy the weight of decision making can feel. In a world where we are constantly on the go, we leave ourselves little space to connect with what truly matters to us, our true values. 

You have a right to slow down, to pace yourself and to have a life that feels purposeful to you.


