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Hi, I’m Lucinda coach, mentor & youth worker.

Here’s a little about me…

I’ve spent the last 15 years’ running personal and social development programmes and one to one mentoring/coaching.

Helping people reconnect with their values, become clear on their goals and supporting them to achieve their goals.

I believe you can have a life that is more fulfilling and doesn’t have to be centred around the “hurry/hustle” life style. It’s not a filled life it’s a life that fulfils you! 

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  • live in Northern Ireland, yes it rains a lot but is very beautiful.

  • was incredibly shy when I was younger.

  • love being out in nature and traveling.

  • was proposed to under the Eiffel tower but said no… it was a security guard, never met him before in my life, very romantic.

  • love Mexican food!

  • value connectedness, community, balance, trust and fairness.

  • believe in God and am also inclusive and open minded.

I am here for you with an open mind and a focus on helping you get to where you want to be in life.

 Let’s connect for practical tips, inspiration, connection & community.
